"The Things They Say" is a poignant portrayal of a young woman searching for equilibrium as she confronts the demands of single parenthood. Although she never steps out on stage, her struggles are shaped through the emotional imagery of dance and the ofttime judgmental remaks of her peers. The performance weaves dance, poetry, acting, and live music into a rick mosaic that takes us on a poingant and sometimes humourous journey of self-discovery.
I have the honor of photographing this amazing performance tomorrow night. I attended the first rehearsal a few weeks ago and left feeling confused. "I don't get it," I said. Erin Glockner, one of the dancers, had to explain it to me. I still didn't get it. I guess I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to modern dance. However, last night at the dress rehearsal, it all clicked. Everything made sense and I was filled with wonder and excitement for what is guaranteed a great show.
Please join us:
Coconino Center for the Arts
2300 N. Fort Valley Rd
Flagstaff, AZ
Friday, July 24th, at 7:30 PM
Admission: $10 Adults/$5 Students
10% of the proceeds will go to the Marshall Magnet School Art Program.